Friday 16 November 2012


A young student is walking home from college one night but discovers he has left his phone behind, turning back he will soon discover what happens after hours.

Throughout the film I will take a large number of shots so that I can achieve smooth editing and get a fast editing sequence going , this will raise the suspense and tension in the audience making them feel like they are in danger themselves which is typical of a standard thriller film. I am sticking to the conventions as much as I can such as dramatic dark shadowing lighting so that it creates a creepy atmosphere,  the sounds I am going to use will be very natural bangs and clatters which will be spontaneous so that the audience does not expect them coming. The costumes will just be average clothes so that it feels realistic. Apart from the killer who will have black clothes and a white mask this is similar to masks worn by other this is a trailer I will leave it with a cliff-hanger to make the audience want to see the film, while it is important that I don’t give too much of the plot away.


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